Far too many people suffer from a lack of self-respect and self-esteem. Several factors can cause these issues, but the good news is that anyone can boost their self-esteem and develop self-respect.
The first step is to understand the causes and then you can begin to work through your issues and come out the other side to live a healthier and happier life. Read on to learn about some of the key causes of a lack of self-respect.
Excessive Criticism As A Child
Many people who struggle with issues of self-esteem were criticised as a child and were raised by dysfunctional care givers. If you were criticised as a child, you are much more likely to grow into a self-critical adult.
The criticism can come from a variety of sources. In this case, it is most likely from your parents. If you had parents or teachers or other family members who tended to only look at your faults, rather than all the good about you, then this can carry over into your adult life and can cause you to have low self-esteem.
Physical Attributes
Our culture has set up ideal images of how both men and women are supposed to look physically. We are bombarded with these images in magazines, on TV, and even online. When we do not meet up with these beauty expectations, it can lead to a whole host of challenges that is hard to fight off.
Since many people have imperfect bodies that stand no chance of comparing to those perfect bodies that get all the photoshop, it is no wonder that this can be an area that people fail with their self-esteem. This can be bad enough to affect our mental well-being in many other ways as well. It is important to learn how to treat the body objectively and love ourselves for who we are.
Bullying from peers and others can do a lot of harm to our mental health and self-esteem.
Those voices that told you that you were not good enough can be difficult to fight with and you may feel downtrodden and worn out along the way.
Trauma can also impact your self-esteem and self-respect. Sexual and mental abuse can be devastating to self-worth, and for many manifests into self-destructive behaviour instead of laying the blame on the culprit we blame ourselves. The events might have happened years ago, but they can stick with you like a deep scar, and it is hard to keep them from affecting you without doing the work it takes to heal.
It is common for victims of trauma to feel like they are the ones to blame for the situation, though in most cases, there was nothing they could do to prevent it. You may also notice some triggers that pop up which can make you feel inferior as well. Learning how to process the trauma and handle the triggers can be the first step to helping you improve your self-esteem after trauma.
Humans are social beings and judgments tend to happen when we get out there and enjoy society. Slight judgments can be enough to ruin our whole day. But there are times when the judgments can be severe. When these judgments hit deep or seem to be all around us, it is difficult for some people to feel like they have any value, which will tank their self-esteem.
Some people will be affected by negative competition while others may find that it is comments or too many opinions that cause them issues. The best way to learn how to not let these judgments affect our self-esteem is to build up our mental picture of ourselves and learn to not let the opinions of others bother us.
Final Thoughts
If you have experienced one or more of the causes above and find that your self-esteem is lacking quite a bit, then it is time to talk to a professional about the issue. They will be able to help you work through some of the issues, such as problems in your childhood, so you can get better and have the self-esteem you deserve.
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"The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates."