Crystal Healing


What Are Crystals?

Crystals are special combinations of minerals formed as a result of natural forces.  The way they are formed gives crystals unique capabilities and energy signatures.  They can interact with your energy body to purify and realign it.

Crystal healing involves using an appropriate crystal to heal physical, mental, and emotional ailments.  Some crystals can also heal you on a spiritual level.  In the world that we live in, crystals can be a great way to ensure well-being, peace, success, happiness, and fulfilment.

Healing with crystals is associated with the new age spiritual movement using alternative medicine, they are also used for grounding by Wiccans.

Healing With Crystals

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Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that uses semi-precious stones and crystals such as quartz, amethyst, or opals.  Advocates of this method argue that these materials have health and wellness benefits.

The basis for this belief comes from concepts borrowed from Eastern philosophies like traditional Chinese medicine and Hinduism which propose that a life force (chi or prana respectively) pulsates in every living thing. When this energy is blocked, it causes disease or sickness.  Crystals, due to their geometric and symmetrically perfect constructs, are believed to vibrate at similar frequencies as the healthy human body.  They can hence help unblock, focus, or diffuse said life force.

Different crystals have different properties.  For instance, rose quartz is believed to open up the heart chakras to unconditional love and positive energy, making it one of the most beneficial stones for healing and flooding the body with positive energy.  Black tourmaline and smoky quartz are said to help block negative energy.

Crystal healing advocates use the crystals by placing them on or around a client's body to help unblock, focus, or diffuse energy and enable healing.

Most of the scientific community is sceptical about the efficacy of crystal healing due to the lack of empirical evidence.  Controlled tests have shown no more effectiveness than placebos, so it remains a controversial practice.  But many people enjoy crystal healing for personal, spiritual, and relaxation purposes.

Chakra Healing Using Crystals


You might have heard about the chakra system of the human body.  The chakras are responsible for the proper flow of prana (life force energy) throughout the body.  They are also responsible for taking in new prana from the universe and letting out used-up energy.  As such, they maintain a critical balance that is necessary for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Therefore, it is important to keep these chakras balanced, open, clean, and active.  Any disturbance in their functioning could lead to a whole host of ailments.  But how do you do that?  How do you ensure that such a complex system keeps running optimally?  Well, that's where crystals come in.

Crystals have been in use since ancient times for a variety of purposes.  One of their main uses is to clean and balance the chakras.  For each major chakra in the body, there are many crystals you can choose from.  Below, we will take a look at the seven main chakras and the crystals associated with each of them.

You can unblock Chakras using the following crystals:

  • Root Chakra - Garnet, Black Onyx, or Snowflake Obsidian
  • Throat Chakra - Blue Chalcedony, Lapis Lazuli or Azurite
  • Sacral Chakra - Citrine, Amber or Aveenturine
  • Third Eye Chakra - Sodalite, Amethyst or Clear Quartz
  • Solar Plexus Chakra - Citrine, Tiger Eye or Carnelian
  • Crown Chakra - Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite or Angelite.
  • Heart Chakra - Rose Quartz, Jade or Aventurine

Always remember to consult with a health professional before substitifying crystal healing for conventional medical treatments.

Tina Rose


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