When one thinks of acupuncture, what are some of the images that typically come to mind? Instantly, though, a picture of a black kettle pot with many concoctions and needles should come to mind. On the other hand, acupuncture therapy does not have to concoct such awful images in one's head. However, if you have ever thought about the possibility that acupuncture may be able to replace Western medicine or aromatherapy, then you are sorely mistaken. On the other hand, there are some important distinctions between the fundamental ideas of medicine. In this article, the idea of acupuncture will go head to head to compete against Western medicine and aromatherapy.
Science Versus Intuition
The basic idea behind Western medicine is the knowledge and science behind every treatment that we can see. Acupuncture, though, is not considered one of those treatments. Consider for a moment all the monumental effects that taking one prescription medication can have on the body. Many advocates of Western medicine continue to say that the United States has the best idea of medicine worldwide, but is it true? Even though the effects of prescription drugs are so great on the body and mind, do we truly know everything that the treatment does to individuals, or is there a whole laundry list of side effects that could go wrong?
On the other hand, acupuncture medicine is mostly based on and rooted in the fact that many thousands and millions of Chinese individuals have been able to quickly, easily, and efficiently beat out the diseases and disorders that were experienced. Instead of relying on solid facts and science to prove that this alternative medicine approach works, intuition and feeling are relied heavily upon for the whole process of acupuncture to take root and verify itself to the patient.
The Benefits of Both
Even though there are great benefits to both the acupuncture method and treatments of Western medicine, one thing that we should consider is the downfalls of both approaches since there are probably fewer of them to consider. For Western medicine, though, an idea right off the bat that is undesirable is the fact that many patients and individuals get used to the medicine that they're given. Their bodies get used to it and they are left desensitized to being treated. In addition, many people have to take prescription medications their whole lives to keep some disorders at bay, such as Depression.
On the other hand, there are very few downsides to using acupuncture therapy except for the fact that no one is certain 100% of the time that the alternative therapy will work. Even though the same holds for Western medicine, acupuncture should be more accurate in its treatments.
When one considers everything related to Western medicine, though, as opposed to acupuncture therapy, then chances are that he or she will truly see the benefit of using acupuncture. Acupuncture is a great alternative therapy that should never be turned down!
Acupuncture And Aromatherapy
When dealing with age-old therapies one of the best things to do is to always keep your guard up. Even though you may think that you've heard quite a lot about the benefits of acupuncture and aromatherapy, chances are that you have never experienced the benefits personally.♀ However, another good thing to do would be to experience the effects personally, whether positive or negative, if you are constantly wondering whether these therapy methods will work. Acupuncture is a different therapy from aromatherapy, however, both of these forms of treatments evolved a very long time ago. Acupuncture evolved from the Chinese culture, but aromatherapy evolved thousands of years ago in ancient civilizations.
How Each Therapy Differs
When discussing acupuncture and aromatherapy it is first best to differentiate between the two therapies. Even though the sounds of the name seem to give off what the therapies are all about, you just may be surprised at the many people who mistake one of those therapies for the other. Perhaps the reason that both of them originated so long ago is the reason that many people get confused.
Nevertheless, acupuncture deals with long and thin needles that are inserted into the skin at certain pressure points in the body. You may have seen pictures or movies where there have been people lying on hospital beds or another kind of surface with long needles sticking out of their backs or stomachs. The Chinese believed that doing this would ward off any sicknesses that eventually came your way. Additionally, thousands of testimonials can be read and listened to about the benefits of performing this therapy.
On the other hand, aromatherapy is very much different from acupuncture. Whereas acupuncture deals with sticking needles into your skin, aromatherapy deals with inhaling oils or applying some kind of oils to your skin. There are several methods to getting the oils into your body, but the oils are said to help your health in virtually every way possible.
Which Has More Benefits
The ancient civilizations from long ago all believed that each of these alternative therapies had their benefits. However, the Chinese believed that Acupuncture was the best therapy technique, and those in other parts of the world believed that aromatherapy was the cure to all that ails you. It is indisputable, however, that each of these therapies, acupuncture, and aromatherapy, both of cured many thousands of people since their evolution. No scientist or researcher knows the exact reason why, and that is a little troubling considering that these techniques have been around since the beginning of time.
All in all, though, each of these techniques seems to have its benefits in their own right. Acupuncture is a very excellent technique that was used by the Chinese, and many other people decided to start using it. However, the same goes for the aromatherapy cures and techniques.
In the end it just comes down to personal preference, though, and finding the right therapy that works for you!
So which will you choose?
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"The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates."