Easy Meditation Techniques


Meditation may be a challenge for most people to do as a habit.  But it is not as difficult as some may think. There are several easy meditation techniques that anyone can follow to attain a deeper sense of relaxation. Meditation is an effective weapon against banishing stress brought about by the rigors of life.  You should try it out and here are the simple steps that you can follow to help you out.

One of the first things is to find a place where you can sit comfortably.  It should also be someplace where you can have as few distractions as possible.  Distractions are not good when you are meditating since they can keep you from developing your focus and concentration and keep your mind away from everything.  Once you get the hang of meditating by keeping away the distractions, you can also do your meditation while riding the train, bus, or plane.

After you have a place where you can do your meditation in comfort, you now need to choose a mantra.  It can be any word that you feel can help you feel relaxed and calm.  Try to go with words for your mantra that appeals to you.  It can even be your name as long as it helps you feel positive and be aware of your meditation.

Once you have yourself comfortable and have chosen a mantra, close your eyes and start repeating the mantra to yourself.  Let the mantra do what it wishes.  If it is something that you wish to repeat slowly, fast, quiet, or loud, then do so.  Try not to let outside thoughts disturb you while you are doing this. Just ignore them and focus on repeating your mantra.


As you repeat the mantra, try not to get distracted and just be aware of what you are saying and focus on it. Learn also to remain relaxed and calm as you do this.  In time you might sometimes find yourself going off on a daydream and stop repeating your mantra.  Just try to refocus and continue with your meditation before you ward off any further.

The key to this simple meditation is trying not to let distractions come before you when you meditate.  It can be a bit hard sometimes to do first, but it will develop along the way and will help you develop your focus as well as awareness better.  After some time, stop repeating your mantra and remain quiet while you are still sitting comfortably.  Do this for about a couple of minutes or so.  Avoid getting up immediately after your meditation. It would be similar to jumping up just after having a deep sleep.  It would cause a lot of stress in itself.

The other key to effectively making use of such easy meditation techniques is to do it as a habit.  Try to allot some free time in your schedule for your meditation.  Making it a habit would make you improve your ability to keep out distractions when you do not need them.  This meditation technique can be done in as little as ten minutes or so.  It is not such a long time to spend on something that can provide you with a lot of benefits especially when it comes to battling everyday stress.

Tips For A Successful Meditation


Many individuals think of sitting on top of a mountaintop with legs folded and fingers poised when thinking about successful meditation.  Meditation does not, however, have to be that extreme.  Meditation can be quite simple if you follow a few tried and true tips for successful meditation.

Set Aside an Allotted Time.  When it comes to meditating successfully, make sure that you have an allotted time set aside each week for this purpose.  If you choose to start meditating, it is best, to begin with a once per week practice until you are more comfortable with the art of meditating.

Even if you have to put it in red pen on your calendar, put it on your calendar.  Use your smartphone to schedule a reminder or even send yourself an email reminding you of your date with rest.  The rewards of being intentional about meditating are worth their weight in gold.

Let Everyone Know of Your Intentions.  Let everyone in your household know that you will be taking on the practice of meditation and when, how, and where you will begin this process of transformation.  Let everyone know that you are committed and disciplined to maintaining this goal and that your health and his or her happiness depend on it, as well.  Let your family in on a little secret.  Tell them that meditating will be good for you and create a happier more relaxed and healthier you.  This will have a trickle-down effect on all of your family members and it is in their best interest to support you as you go on this newfound journey.

Pick A Location


Find a soothing, relaxing, and out-of-the-way area for your meditation practice.  Set up the area with a few comforting photos, some scented candles, a comfy pillow, and a nice throw rug.  Even if it is just a corner of your bedroom where you can go and lock yourself in and not be disturbed, it is very important to claim your private space for your meditation retreat.

Educate Yourself

Educate yourself on the art of meditation to that you will have a base knowledge before you begin.  Get some educational materials to view, watch some videos online, and gather some reading material on the subject.

Arming yourself with knowledge before you begin will allow you to have a more peaceful and results-oriented experience.

By educating yourself, setting aside a quiet location, letting your family know of your intentions, and securing a quiet spot to meditate in, you can float into a meditation experience that is successful and peaceful all rolled into one.

Tina Rose


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