We all need to seek a higher awareness of self in our lives although we may not know this initially. In the search for success in our lives, we aim to achieve fame and fortune and without inner healing and a better awareness of self not all this is possible. It is crucial that we are able to develop a better self-perception and awareness and then we are able to face the world. All this is possible only through the process of self-healing and nurturing of the inner self. We need to move away from uncontrolled emotion and take on the action of a controlled life. We must have control of our mind, body and spirit and this will mean healing all these aspects of self and using them to the achievement of fulfilment.
Even if we have achieved wealth in life this does not mean that, we are whole people on the inside and that we are fulfilled. The material aspects of life may be enjoyable but there can be a lack of true enjoyment in life and temporary elation, which is not true internal happiness. Internal healing is the key towards the direction of our emotions and mental mechanisms and then we can be directed to the road to a better awareness of self and an inner self. We have to be aware of the thoughts of the mind and able to control all the actions and reactions that result from these thoughts.
Many persons that live life on emotions only and they have lives that lack true direction. They are not able to control themselves and are impulsive. Impulsive reactions mean that often we do things that we typically would not if properly thought through. We have to learn to control all these reactions in the true self-concept and healing process. Core principles that we have will change as we change and life and this will only occur with higher awareness of self and healing otherwise we will stagnate in our rigidity in the concepts and not be able to move past them. The principles will otherwise stifle us as they surface uncontrolled. We have to learn and heal our inner selves to deal with these impulsive aspects in our nature that are holding back our self-development.
As we grow and develop, we have to learn to bend. We have to learn that life is dynamic and not constant and that at times we will have to develop some core principles and then later on replace these with others. If we are not seeking inner healing and are holding on to our bad experiences then we are resistant to change and not able to meet the demands of life. Life should not be led in a compulsive manner but rather each new situation should be approached with an open minded but controlled reaction.
If we are unhappy in life then we hold on to the experiences that we have faced. We grab and hold all the guilt, anger and shame and many other negative emotions. In order to better develop and move forward we have to heal our inner selves and we have to move past the walls that we have constructed and that lead us to impulsive and compulsive reactions. Holding on to the negative emotions and experiences in our lives is not healthy and can lead to illnesses that affect our mental and physical health.
We can face problems such as depression and many other illnesses. We have to heal our inner self and move past these problems to progress in life.
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"The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates."