

The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit meaning wheel or circle.  There are seven chakras or wheels from the base of your spine to the top of your head.  The function of each of the chakras is to spin and rotate and keep the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body all in alignment.  When we get sick or ill, it is a sign that one or more of the chakras are out of alignment.

The crown chakra is one of consciousness and is the master of all the others.  It is compared to the pituitary gland. Symbolized by a lotus plant with a thousand petals, it is found outside the body above the head.

The brow chakra is compared to the pineal gland.  It is the chakra of time and light.  The symbol is a lotus plant with two petals.  It is located between the eyes on the forehead.   It is also known as the third eye chakra.

The throat chakra is in charge of communication and other forms of expression.  This chakra is compared to the thyroid gland.  It is located in the throat area of the neck and is symbolized by a lotus plant with sixteen petals.

The heart chakra is one of higher emotions, love, compassion, and well-being.  It is compared to the thymus.   It is a part of the immune system and the endocrine system.  Symbolized by a lotus plant with twelve petals, it is located in the centre of the chest.

The solar plexus chakra is related to higher emotion and energy and is compared to the pancreas and outer adrenal glands.  Digestion is the conversion of food into energy for the well-being of the self.  This chakra is symbolized by a lotus plant with ten petals.   It is located right underneath the ribcage.

The sacral chakra is related to base emotion and sexuality.  This chakra is compared to the ovaries or testes. Symbolized by a lotus plant with six petals, it is located in the groin area.

The root chakra is related to our intuition, instincts, and survival.  It is compared to the inner adrenal glands and the adrenal medulla in the kidney.  It is symbolized by a lotus plant with four petals and is located at the base of the spine.

Chakra Stones, Elements And Colours


1st Chakra: Root

Location: Base of spine
Sense: Smell
Element: Earth
Stones: Black onyx, hematite, carnelian, garnet
Colour: Red or black
Sound: Do
Musical Note: C
Functions: Life force, Instincts, survival

2nd Chakra: Sacral

Location: Underneath the ribcage
Sense: Taste
Element: Water
Stones: Orange agate, Red jasper
Colour: Orange
Sound: Re
Musical note: D
Functions: Procreation, sexuality

3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus

Location: Middle abdomen area
Sense: Sight
Element: Fire
Stones: Tiger's eye. Citrine, yellow stones
Colour: Yellow
Sound: Mi
Musical Note: E
Functions: Metabolizing food, emotions, and the sympathetic nervous system

4th chakra: Heart

Location: Centre of the chest
Sense: Touch
Element: Air
Stones: Jade, Rose quartz
Colour: Green or pink
Sound: Fa
Musical note: F
Functions: Circulating the lifeblood for energy

5th Chakra: Throat

Location: Throat area of neck
Sense: Hearing
Element: Ether
Stones: Lapis lazuli, turquoise
Colour: Sky blue
Sound: Sol
Musical note: G
Functions: Communication

6th Chakra: Brow

Location: Between the eyes
Sense: All the senses including psychic ability
Element: Light
Stones: Amethyst, Moonstone
Colour: Purple
Sound: La
Musical Note: A
Functions: Vision, Imagination, Concentration

7th Chakra: Crown

Location: Top of the head at the crown
Sense: All senses including consciousness
Element: Will
Stones: Moonstone, clear quartz, amethyst
Sound: Ti
Musical Note: B
Functions: Upper brain functions


These chakras are spirals of energy that rotate in specific orbits.  When one is out of alignment, the body can quickly get sick or ill.  They also help in removing old wasted energies from the body.   A Reiki treatment can help you realign your chakras.  They should spin clockwise and in a perfect circle.  Some will be tilted or spinning backwards depending on your sickness.  Go to that part which is causing the most trouble.   For instance, if you have a sore throat, is there some truth you are not communicating that you need to?

Tina Rose


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