Feng Shui Home Tips


Feng shui has been an ancient Chinese practice that has recently become popular even in the Western world.  It aims to strike up a certain kind of balance in a certain environment making it more ideal for people to live in.  This is the practice of feng shui that has gotten the attention of most people, particularly for use in their homes. Here are some useful feng shui home tips that you can make use of to make your home filled with that positive "chi".

Your Doorway and Chi

First off, you can start on your doorway.  Doors should always remain free and clear of clutter.  With this in mind, you should try to remove any slippers or shoes that may be lying around the doorway.  In feng shui, it is said that "chi" flows with the wind. With the slippers and shoes at the doorway, the "chi" would bring with it the smell coming from the slippers and shoes into your house and cause sickness.

The "chi" would then go about the home interior trying to find water where it can stay. In the absence of such bodies of water as water fountains and aquariums, the "chi" would easily be dispersed by the wind.

Of Water Tanks and Fountains

In feng shui, water is said to be a repository of energy called "chi".  That is why it may be good to have one in the home.  But positioning is also important.  A water fountain or fish tank should be positioned in an area that would attract positive "chi". But a wrong or unfavourable position would also bring in the opposite.

While good fortune awaits, wrong positioning would also bring misfortune and bad luck.  If you have noticed the latter happening to you after positioning a water fountain of fish tank at a certain area in the home, you may need to shift it to another location.

Feng Shui for Different Home Areas


The Chi, a positive energy that brings in prosperity, should always flow freely through different areas in the home.  The following are simple feng shui tips for the different areas in the home.

Feng Shui in the Living Room

If you recently have been experiencing considerable pressure at work, your marble table might be a factor that may be causing it, feng shui speaking.  You can either try to work your way through the pressure or you can remove the marble table in your home and exchange it for a wooden one.

In the same way, colour may also affect some things in feng shui.  For instance, having a red sofa set in your living room may bring about work pressure, problems as well as obstacles.

The colour red which signifies fire just doesn't work well in some areas of the home. These are just some of the feng shui home tips that you can apply to make sure that the flow of "chi" in your home remains on the positive side.

The kitchen

In designing your kitchen at home, make sure that you do not place your refrigerator opposite your stove.  These appliances can stand for fire and water.  With the two clashing, it may bring family members to experience frequent disagreements at home.  This also goes the same with the stove being opposite to the refrigerator, dishwasher wash basin, or washing machine in your kitchen.

The stove must be away from the door, but the cook should be able to see the door. If not possible, install a mirror.

Keep your cupboard and refrigerator well stocked with food supplies.  It implies wealth and abundance.

Avoid positioning the stove directly in front of a window. Placing the stove to the side of a window is better.

The bathroom or toilet

Never place the toilet opposite the kitchen.  The feng shui fire and water elements will clash in this situation.

The toilet must not be placed adjacent to the front door.  Place the toilet somewhere far away from the front door.

Avoid positioning the toilet door directly opposite the front door.  This may lead to wasted opportunities.

Place a huge mirror behind the bathroom sink. But never use the kind that is split in the middle, often seen in bathroom cabinets.

Make sure that the plumbing fixtures in the bathroom and toilet are not leaking, especially the faucets.

The bedroom

The bedroom should not be adjacent or opposite to a bathroom or toilet.  If this is unavoidable, make sure you keep the bathroom or toilet door closed at all times.

Position the bed as far away from the door as possible.  But make sure you still have a good view of the door from the bed.  At the same time, do not place your bed where your feet are pointed towards the door when you are sleeping.

Mirrors should not be placed where they reflect your image as you sleep.  Round and oval-shaped mirrors are ideal, but make sure they are larger than your head.

Sleeping directly on the floor is not suggested as it does not allow the Chi to flow beneath you.

The stairway

Traditionally, the favourable number of steps in a stairway is odd.  A spiral staircase is also a blunder because it confuses the Chi.

The worst mistake that can happen is when the staircase leads directly to the front door.  This leads to the loss of opportunities, and the residents tend to be always rushing, seldom settling in.

A good way to slow down the flow of Chi outside the front door is to hang a wind chime on the ceiling above the base of the staircase.  A heavy figurine at the floor level below may also be helpful.

Lobbies and hallways

Hallways need to be free of impediments and need to be well-lit.  It should also be clear to anyone where they are to go next in the house.

 A nice piece of art may be hung on the wall at the end of a hallway.  However, never place a mirror there; it will only reflect the entering Chi.

There should be no hallway in the house that leads directly to a toilet.  If it is already there, just make sure the door is closed at all times.

These are some tips for overcoming and preventing Chi flow problems, giving you a harmonious feng shui home.

Below are tips on creating Feng Shui with colours.

Creating a Harmonious Feng Shui Home with Colours


Colour is something that Feng Shui makes use of in attracting positive energy into our living space.  When you are planning your home’s colour schemes, you should pick according to the kind of energy you need.  This guide will assist you in choosing the best colors for you to come up with a harmonious home.

Red – This is the colour of fire, which represents divine energy.  It is advised to use red with caution.  Red is best as the colour of small decorative pieces in your living areas, rather than with huge furnishings or wall colours.  This colour brings confidence, joy, courage, and passion into your life.

Blue – Creating a feeling of serenity, blue is the colour of the sea and sky.  This colour is best used in the east and southeast portions of your home, in the form of wall colour and decorative items.  Depending on the kind of energy you need, you might want to employ deep blue to promote sleep, or lighter ones to liven up the space.

Yellow – Dull spaces with little sunlight will benefit from the colour yellow.  This is the colour of sunlight, so it evokes a feeling of warmth and cheerfulness.  It also brings fire energy but in a much gentler way than red.  However, it is said that prolonged exposure to this colour causes anxiety.

Orange – This colour is a brilliant choice for your living room, dining area, or elsewhere where lively and playful energy is needed.  Orange evokes creativity, one’s sense of purpose, and bubbly conversations.  This is also the colour of choice for those who find red too strong.

Green – Surrounding oneself with the green colour of nature is refreshing and nurturing.  This colour represents the wood element, evoking the healing vibrations from nature into your home.  It is best for those who need growth, peace, and new beginnings.  Having several different shades of green in the home makes the most of the colour’s effects.

Purple – Excellent for spiritual and mental healing, purple should be used in moderation.  Experts do not recommend this as a wall colour, especially in the east and southeast areas of your home, since it is a very strong, high-vibration colour. Purple is best used in a meditation space; or go for lighter tones such as lavender to add colour to your room.

Pink – The universal colour of love, this colour is perfect to soothe and fill the heart with love.  Pink brings a very fiery energy into your life, especially when coupled with orange. However, too much of this colour in one’s home makes the residents tend to live illusive lives.

Black – Although it may convey a feeling of heaviness if used in large proportions, black symbolizes career and sophistication.  The colour is best used indoors, in the form of furniture shades, frames, and other small decorative items.  Black adds depth and definition to any home space.

White – Excellent for use anywhere in the home, especially to contrast bright colours.  White soothes the mind by filling it with energy of innocence, tranquility, and a bright new future.  However, try to limit an all-white colour scheme in the east and southeast areas of your home.

Feng Shui maintains that the colours used in our living environment as something that affects us physically, emotionally, and psychologically.  Picking the right Feng Shui colours in your home will attract the kind of energy that will work for you best.

There is a lot of information on the net regarding Feng Shui, the above tips are just a starting point in your Feng Shui creativity, so enjoy.

Tina Rose


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