Depression is a serious illness that can affect the work power, family and social life of a person. This is why we don’t have to ignore it and hide it. It is important to know the symptoms, the causes and what possibilities we have to prevent it.
Each one of us had at some point a depressing sad moment. Depression is a normal human reaction associated to a loss, with the tumult of everyday life or with an agitated sentimental life. Sometimes the sadness sensation passes but sometimes it doesn’t, it becomes more persistent and it can conduct to nervous breakdowns. The diseases of the nervous system are very serious and that is why it is important not to pass them by without proper help when we realize we can’t handle them by ourselves. Getting help is not only normal, but required also.
Here are some of the symptoms of depression:
These are just some of the symptoms of depression and if more of them are associated they are not to be ignored and a discussion with a close person or a specialist has to happen very soon.
What causes depression? There is not a single source that causes depression. This is a complex disease that can appear as a result of multiple causes. Depression can also be transmitted among persons that are close to each other, by influence.
There are proofs that say persons suffering of depression suffer brain changes. There are also proofs that explain how depression can also be genetic. Children affected by the depression of their parents or parents whose children suffer from chronic depression are more likely to be affected themselves by this illness.
To try and prevent depression we have to know ourselves very well. Although treatable depression can be hard to prevent once we are already melancholic. The best method to avoid another crisis after a chronic depression is to keep and eye open to its symptoms and its causes. And also get professional hope whenever we feel like we need it.
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