The seven chakras in our bodies control our mental attitudes and emotions. They can also reflect when there is an imbalance somewhere. You must first figure out which chakra is unbalanced. After you do that, find the colour that corresponds to that chakra. You can use colour to balance the chakras every day.
An easy way to do this is to get many fabric swatches with different colours. These can also help in balancing the chakras. The best part is it is very inexpensive.
The process will take about twenty minutes from start to finish. Lie down somewhere comfortable and make sure you have the seven swatches of fabric nearby. These are in order: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. They are the colours of the rainbow.
Take several slow, deep breaths and look back over the day's happenings in reverse. Be sure to take note of any strong emotions or attitudes that were expressed during the day. What chakras would have been unbalanced by these emotions?
Take the colour swatch for that specific chakra and lay it on the area of the chakra you have deemed unbalanced. Envision the colour being drawn down into your body from your head down.
Take several more breaths, breathing deeply, and focus on the colour and drawing it into the chakra. It may take up to five minutes before you feel full of colour.
Another route is to take all seven swatches of cloth and place them on each chakra one at a time. Let the chakra draw in the colour until it is full. Then proceed to the next one until you have done all seven.
Repeat if you feel that the colour did not take, or if you are still feeling a little empty of one specific colour. This can bring joy and brightness to your life, so give it a try.
These are simple exercises to help you get your chakras open and spinning in line when they are out of balance or misaligned. If you feel you are stuck in the past or you are feeling disconnected from other people, then your crown chakra is probably out of alignment. Chakracises to remedy the problem are meditation and prayer. The colours associated with the crown chakra are white and violet
Problems with the brow chakra include paranoia, false realities, and poor judgment. Chakracises to try to align this chakra are Lucid dreaming and visualization. The colour associated with the brow chakra is indigo.
The throat chakra can cause problems when we don't speak the truths that we need to sometimes. Dishonesty and biting your tongue or holding back with what you want to say can cause this chakra to spin out of balance. The Chakracises recommended are screaming and gargling salt water. The colour of this chakra is sky blue.
The heart chakra problems include a Lack of confidence in yourself or others, depression, and some trust issues. The Chakracises suggested here are swimming and hugging yourself. The colour associated with this chakra is green.
The solar plexus chakra, if unaligned, can make you feel overwhelmed, ultra-sensitive, and scared of life. This chakra is the root of our personal self-esteem issues. The Chakracises used to treat this is hoopla, dancing the twist, and doing some belly dancing. The colour associated with this chakra is yellow.
The sacral chakra problems can be no creativity and sexual dysfunction. The Chakracises recommended are pelvic thrusts and circular movements. The colour linked to this chakra is orange.
The root chakra is our grounding force. Problems occur when we are confused or distracted. Some Chakracises to try here are marching, squats, and stomping your feet. The colour associated with this chakra is red.
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"The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates."