Having a healthy level of self-respect will have a positive impact on all aspects of your life. It allows you to feel proud of all of your accomplishments and shows the world that you know who you are, and you care deeply about you and are willing to show it and stand up for it.
When you respect yourself, others will respect you too because you will naturally demand it.
There is a whole host of benefits that come from healthy self-respect, but what are some of the steps that you can take to show yourself some respect? Keep reading to learn more.
Self-care shows you how much you care about you and it is a key action step of self-respect. Self-care entails care for the health of your mind, body, and spirit.
While you might be busy and have a hectic life, you must always make self-care a priority. You can choose any self-care activity you enjoy; the choice of options is plentiful.
· Exercise
· Yoga
· Swimming
· Hot baths
· Spa days
· Journaling
· Simple relaxation
· Short breaks throughout the day
· Healthy stress management
· And much more
Be Around Positive People
The people you choose to spend time with can have a great impact on how much respect you have for yourself. It is so much easier to have a healthy level of self-respect when the people around you also respect themselves and know how to respect others.
Love Yourself
There is no self-respect without self-love and vice versa. When you love yourself, self-respect comes easy and will result in a much happier and more satisfying life. It is also a well-known fact that no one can love until you love yourself.
Express Your Feelings When Hurt
It is never to hold onto hurt feelings, and you show yourself respect every time you speak up and confront the person who has hurt you.
Never Let Anyone Treat You Badly
A hallmark of self-respect is defining and reinforcing how you will be treated by others. This also applies to how you treat yourself. When you respect yourself, you ensure that you are always treated to the highest standard that you deserve.
Set Boundaries
You need to learn how to set boundaries. Boundaries are limits you set for yourself with yourself and others. Boundaries help you safeguard yourself and are a manifestation of your respect for yourself.
Examples of Boundaries Include:
· I will not stay up late because it ruins my focus and concentration the next day.
· I will not allow anyone to treat me badly.
· I will not engage with anyone who is very angry.
· I'm only comfortable kissing in private, not in public.
· I will not take responsibility for the actions of others.
· I expect to be treated with respect.
· I am comfortable expressing my feelings to others.
· I will not allow anyone to yell at me.
· My personal space is a boundary too.
· My time is valuable, I set boundaries to protect it.
· I will not allow myself to be abused.
· I cannot tolerate being used or taken for granted.
· I will not do things that violate my values.
· I will not do things that violate my morals.
· I will not spend time with negative people.
· No one can determine my worth but me.
· I reject negative thoughts and focus on the positive.
· I will not engage in self-harming behaviour.
· I will take care of myself and protect myself from harm.
Eliminate Toxicity
A part of self-respect is ensuring that your environment is healthy and safe. This applies to relationships especially as toxicity can often stem from your relationships with others.
Disrespect of boundaries, abuse, destructive behaviours, and other dysfunctional things can be toxic to you and one of the key ways of showing yourself respect and care is to just say no.
Find Fulfilment
The more fulfilled you are in your life, the happier you will be. One aspect of self-respect is giving yourself that gift of fulfilment.
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"The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates."