Working toward healing the hidden being, for some is next to impossible. Most of the problems people have when working toward self-healing arise from misconceptions, doubts, or fears. Fear is often the root of the problem that hinders the person from discovering their self.
The hidden self is buried in the subliminal conscious, which makes up our unconscious and subconscious mind. In this area, the mind is unintentional, yet millions of problems emerge because it is triggered.
When the mind is triggered, the emotions kick in and react to whatever memory the trigger hits. For instance, if the trigger stimulates a sad memory, such as the loss of a loved one, thus the emotions will react accordingly. You may find yourself in tears and many times not know why despite that memory emerged. This is because you did not have a resolution. Rather you repressed memories of the loved one dying. The repressed memories sunk, deep in your subliminal mind, which they rest until you are willing to discover why you feel the way you do.
Of course, grievance comes along with death. You probably openly grieved during the time your loved one died, which is normal, yet instead of facing reality and going on with your life fully; you likely buried some of the pain in the subliminal mind. Moreover, something in your past could have triggered you.
In other words, perhaps long ago in your past, a similar action occurred, and at this time you were not ready to handle the stress and pain. You perhaps repressed the memories, which may have triggered other memories during the time of the loved one's death.
All of our pain and suffering come from our past experiences, knowledge, learning, observations, and so on. Everything we feel develops over the years and builds up. Most of the memories we may recall, yet many of these memories we often repress, which later nags us until we explore the subliminal conscious mind to find answers.
In this turn of events, the hidden self in the healing process becomes a task, yet if we have useful techniques and practice them daily, the task of subliminal learning becomes lighter.
How to discover useful techniques for self-healing:
Visiting the Internet is the place to find useful techniques for self-healing. Over the past 3 or 4 years, self-healing has been a major topic. You will find scores of articles that can assist you with the processes of healing the subliminal self. In the meantime, consider meditation.
Go to a peaceful environment. Recline, lying back, stretching your entire body in a comfortable position. Make sure that all distractions are removed.
Close your eyes. If you feel uneasy when closing your eyes then leave, your eyes open. You will need your visual tools. Using visualization picture yourself anywhere you wish to be. Put yourself in natural surroundings. Studies show that people who connect with nature often heal sooner. Go to a faraway land. Visit any country you like, or any area in the world that you like. Allow your thoughts to express memories. Even if the memories come in parts, allow your memories to show you the way to self-healing.
With each thought, move to acceptance, Even if the memory causes you pain. Learn to accept that these are the things you can t change; rather these memories are part of what made you who you are today. Continue. As you meditate, continue into the faraway area you visualize. Upon the point of complete relaxation, commence to explore your mind.
Once you have finished, breath normaly, start to move your feet and then your hands as you slowly come back to your normal self.
Divorce rates are increasing all over the world, everyone is suffering from some disease or another, world is witnessing violent clashes now and then. The reason behind such a disturbing fact is the man himself. He has left his inner self way behind in his pursuit to amass wealth. He is so busy with the triviality of life that he has forgotten the larger meaning of life. Life is much more than increasing your bank balance, having designer wear, and possessing the latest gizmos.
It is because of his ignorance of the true meaning of life that he does not have peace of mind. No amount of money or success in the world can provide you with serenity and calmness of mind. What is the benefit of his success if he cannot sleep without taking pills or spending time with his family? An individual today has lost his way; he is moving too fast to know the direction of his movement.
Even if he is moving in the right direction, he does not stop to rest. After all, a car that does not stop for fueling during its journey will never be able to reach its destination. It is of utmost significance that man in his journey of life stops to energize himself and prepare himself better for the journey ahead.
An individual today is always stressed and burned out. His life revolves around the clock; he wants to be present in many places at once. He has many duties but not enough time to fulfill them. Because of his multiple responsibilities, he seems to have forgotten the most important person in his life- himself. He may have the latest mobile phone and is available to anybody and everybody at any time of the day but not himself. He is so occupied with communicating with the outside world that he has no time for himself.
The increase in stress-related diseases, depression, and other physical problems is an indicator of spiritual deficiency in man. The problems are not limited to a particular age group; young, old and even school-going kids suffer from depression. An individual seems to compensate for his depression by investing in expensive dresses and acquiring the latest technology.
Finding time to interact with your inner self needs to be done. Some simple changes performed can make a significant contribution to your life. The most important is spending time with yourself every day, spending 10 minutes both in the morning and evening communicating with yourself. You can choose a quiet place at your home and spend that time there. The time spent in the morning will help you prioritize your schedule and ultimately help in effective time management. Your workload is not to reduce but prioritizing them will help you focus better and give improved results. Stress is like a puncture in your bi-cycle that leaks out the gas and deprives us of our energy; as a result, we are always tired. You must do the task that gives you the utmost satisfaction and not choose a task that is valued socially. It is quite possible that socially valued work may not give you happiness. The inner self is the voice of god and acts as a lighthouse to our decisions. Follow what your self says; it is sure to give you long-lasting happiness.
Think positively. Positive thoughts create a healthy aura around you. It keeps you physically fit and allows you to smile and enjoy life under any circumstances. Include green vegetables and fruits in your diet; it keeps your body energized and chemical-free. Listen to music in case of stress, it relaxes your mind. These above-given techniques will increase your happiness quotient, so begin early.
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"The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates."