Mental Health:  Behind The Walls Of The Mind

mental health

Behind the walls of the mind stands a very complex issue that is in constant study.  We have people of all sorts, including mentally ill, so-called normal minds, geniuses and so forth.  The mind has been known to play tricks on us, let us down, skip to another level and so forth.  It seems with the battle between the brain and self there is never a winning ticket.  The truth is the mind holds the key to all areas of your body, but the central nervous system is the channel to the brain.  In most instances if the brain is affected which is a direct result of the central nervous system and spinal column.  If the spinal column is out of line or injured then it will affect the nervous system, which works its way toward the brain.  Once the brain is hit, the troubles begin and often do not quite until someone finds out the source of the problem.  There are many people today suffering from head injuries, disorders, cognitive disorders, diseases of the mind, and so on.  The problems increase as the years go by.  In research, studies, case studies, and so forth it was found that people that visited Chiropractors were often healthier than those that did not.  When a doctor focuses on the spine, which is a direct link to the brain, results often occur.

Scientists are often searching for solutions to understand the different mental illnesses, diseases and physical impairments.  They often run in every direction and sometimes the answer is lying in front of them.  The problem is everyone has opinions, theories, and guesses and many of them are ignoring the voices that call out with expertise and experience.  Recently there were major controversial issues regarding Medicaid and Chiropractor services.  For a short time, the Chiropractors were not qualified to take Medicaid Patients, yet many doctors has treated some of the same people and found no answer to fix the many problems.  While most people believe that Chiropractors work only with the physical portion of the body, they fail to see that these experts also work with the minds everyday.  Let’s examine ADHD/ADD patients, in most instances, a part of the nervous system, spine and brain is the leading cause of the symptoms of this diagnose.  Most mental health experts will offer the patients drugs, which only covers the symptoms and is often causing other problems including, psychosis, and schizophrenia symptoms. 

The MIND…Now if these people were treating the mind without drugs, and using natural herbs and spinal practices, what would happen?  First, there would be no schizophrenia and psychosis induced patients or at least it would be minimal.  Let’s look at Bipolar, the patient is often suffering as a direct result of Chemical Imbalances and most mental health experts will place the patient on antidepressants, which leads to strokes, heart problems, early-induced changes of life and so forth.  If a specialist that knows the spine, nervous system and the brain treated the patients, what would happen? there was a woman who was diagnosed with Bipolar and she had sought out Chiropractic support and is doing great overall, with the exception of her bad habits that she has illustrated for more than 20 years.  On the other hand, another bipolar patient that had no Chiropractic services and she is a woman you want to stay clear of, she called the hot line 18 times per day, threatened to commit suicide, and literally drove the staff their absolutely nuts. 

One of the staff went to psychologist, psychiatrists, therapists and doctors complaining of symptoms that they thought were linked to mental illness. After visiting a Chiropractor, the symptoms decreased and was now able to cope. 

To understand the mind you must consider the spine, central nervous system, brain and many other factors before coming to any conclusions.  Some counsellors will diagnose you as soon as you walk in the door, this is a bad deal since many often play against a life in order to find an answer.  Once the professional sees that their diagnose is off balance, they often move onto another diagnose and unfortunately this goes on and on, and too many times patients suffer at great lengths as a result.

Tina Rose


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