Stress Management Plan For Busy Women


In this day and age, women are busier than ever – between careers, social plans, hobbies, families, friends, errands, responsibilities, educations, and a variety of other engagements, today’s modern woman typically has a very jam-packed schedule.

With all these engagements and responsibilities, many women find themselves feeling the stress of it all. Having all this responsibility (and likely many different people relying on them for support or assistance) can feel overwhelming. This is why having a stress management plan is key for easing anxiety, reducing stress, and staying as calm as possible, even when life is busy.

A Basic Stress Management Approach for Busy Women

To help manage daily stress from a busy schedule, consider the following basic plan to reduce stress while keeping your busy life on track.

1. Take a critical look at your schedule.

A key step toward managing stress when you are a busy woman is to take a critical look at your schedule. When you actually slow down and analyse what you are doing each day, you will likely discover that you have some unnecessary things built into your schedule that can be removed. When looking at your schedule critically, ask yourself if everything there is necessary, and if you find something that is not, make a point to remove it.

2. Start each day with a prioritised list of what needs to get done versus what can wait for later.

It is easy to let a huge to-do list make you feel overwhelmed, and a busy woman likely has a massive one. Before you set out to begin tackling your to-do list items, stop for a moment and prioritise what is most important versus what is least important on your list. Focus on getting the “big” tasks finished first and save the less important ones for later.

3. When emotions run high, reach out for help from your support system.

Anytime you are feeling overwhelmed, make a point to reach out to someone you know and trust for some extra support. Successful women understand the importance of having a good support system – you cannot always do everything alone, especially when you are very busy and likely feeling the stress of it all. Rather than allowing those big feelings to wear you down, reach out to someone you trust for some extra help instead.

4. Make time for yourself each day one of your top priorities.

Spending time on yourself should always be one of your big scheduling priorities. Make sure you are not allowing self-care time to happen only when you have a small opening in your schedule. Instead, make some room for self-care and “me time” in your schedule each day and honor it like you would any other scheduling commitment.

Taking this time to take care of yourself is a vital way to stay refreshed and ready to tackle your busy life.

5. Spend some time at the end of each day reflecting on what worked versus what did not work.

Being reflective is one of the best things you can do as a busy woman. Busy women do not have time for repeating methods that do not provide the results they want.

Take a little time at the end of each day to think about the way you solved problems, handled tasks, and prioritise your time – did any of your methods work well?

Did any of them totally flop? Take note of what worked and what did not, and then use that knowledge as you continue to move forward. This reflection time can provide valuable insight that will help you avoid wasting time later.

Tina Rose


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"The opposite for courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow."