Opening And Balancing The Chakras


If you don't want to go to a Reiki Master to get assistance with opening your chakras, there are some meditations (sometimes called Mudras) that you can try at home. They have special hand positions, and the power to send more energy to the ailing chakra.  The sounds are chanted three to four times as you do a meditation for eight to ten breaths.

To open the Root chakra, the tips of your thumb and index finger should touch on both hands.  Concentrate on the base of the spine.  Chant the LAM sound.

To open the Sacral chakra, place your hands in your lap on top of each other with the palms up.  The left hand should be under the right.  The tips of the thumbs should be touching.  Concentrating on the sacral bone in the back, chant the VAM sound.

To open the Solar Plexus chakra, place your hands in front of your stomach, below the ribcage.  The fingers should join at the top, and point away from you.  Cross the thumbs and straighten the fingers.  Concentrate on the Solar Plexus chakra and chant the RAM sound.


To open the Heart chakra, you must sit cross-legged.  The tips of your index finger and thumb should be touching on both hands.  Place your left hand on your left knee and the right hand in front of the lowest part of the sternum.   Concentrating on the heart chakra, chant the YAM sound.

To open the Throat chakra, cross your fingers inside your hands, no thumbs.  The thumbs should touch at the top slightly pulled up.  Concentrate on the Throat chakra and chant the HAM sound.

To open the Brow Chakra, place your hands on the lower part of the ribcage.   The middle fingers should be straight with the tops touching, the thumbs point towards you with the tops touching.  Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra and chant the OM sound.

To open the Crown chakra, place your hands near your stomach.  The ring fingers should point upwards. Cross your fingers with the left thumb under the right one. Concentrate on the Crown chakra while chanting the NG sound.

Using Goddess Oils to Balance the Chakras


Sometimes when you find an unbalanced or closed chakra, you can do some meditation or visualization to help unblock the chakra.  You want them spinning and aligned properly, but the stress of life will get them out of alignment.  Some oil blends may help with this problem.  You can mix these up by using 30 drops of the specific oil to half an ounce of either Jojoba or Sweet Almond Oil.  You could also add these into the bath or add a candle underneath and let them seep into the air around you. You should only use a certain blend of fragrances for about a week.  After that, your nose will become used to the smell.  Although you should see some improvement within the week.

The oils you can blend for each chakra are as follows:

Root: Yang Yang, Rosewood, Frankincense
Sacral: Jasmine
Solar Plexus: Lemon, Grapefruit, Mandarin
Heart: Rose, Geranium
Throat: Sandalwood, Myrrh, Chamomile
Third Eye: Sage, Lavender, Rosemary
Crown: Frankincense, Rosewood

Areas to anoint with oils:

Root: Lower pelvic area, Buttocks Goddess: Hera Color: Red
Sacral: Lower back, pelvic area Goddess: Aphrodite Color: Orange
Solar Plexus: Underneath the rib cage Goddess: Persephone Colour: Yellow
Heart: Chest area Goddess: Demeter Colour: Green
Throat: Front and back of neck Goddess: Athena Colour: Blue
Third Eye: Between the eyes Goddess: Artemis Colour: Indigo
Crown: Top of the head Goddess: Hestia Colour: White

After mixing and applying, you can chant the goddess' name and visualize the colours that go along with the chakras.  Depending on the amount of the blockage, it will take from one to seven days for it to open back up.   Listen to your intuition and pay attention to your dreams.  The answers you seek will be found within yourself.

Tina Rose


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